Top 4 Qualities to Look for in a Fractional CFO

Are you looking to bring on a CFO to manage the financial side of your company?

When considering what to look for in a CFO and who would be the best fit for your business, your initial instinct may be to interview solely full-time prospects. However, you will be missing out on the numerous advantages that qualified, part-time CFOs bring to the table.

There are many qualities to look for in a CFO, however, we have outlined some of the most important below:

Big Picture Thinking

A CFO with a broad perspective would be a great benefit to your business. This person would be able to meaningfully assess data and offer insight that promotes the company’s growth.

Communicative Team Player

Given that a part-time CFO will not have a set schedule, they must be able to communicate often with others and provide thorough detail as needed. In order to operate effectively and successfully with your team, they must also be a team player who gets along with other employees.

Multi-Faceted Experience

You should think about how much experience your part-time CFO has with various businesses and industries to make the most of their skill set. People with an exceptional depth of prior experience can offer insightful viewpoints on various issues, plans of action, and objectives that other employees might miss.

Life-Long Learner

In order to keep current in their particular industries, your part-time CFO should ideally be enthusiastic about advancing their skills and career. Your business won’t be able to expand and advance financially without this mentality.